الدليل الفردي
العدد الكلي: 8 (25 في الصفحة)

هندسة ديكور وتصميم داخلي / خارجي
Engneering institute
Drowning and design

هندسة ديكور وتصميم داخلي / خارجي
• Personal & Computer Skills:
• E-Marketing Specialist & Professional user for Social Networks Marketing.
• Solid Experience in Commercial Correspondence (Either Procurement or Sales).
• High Negotiation Skills, and the ability to simplify any complications to customers.
• The ability to develop and motivate sales team in order to achieve the sales plans.
• Expert user for Designing & Graphic Programs (AutoCAD Photoshop).
• Professional in using MS office programs (Outlook, Excel, and Word).